5 Things to Know About Car Accidents Caused by Faulty Tires
Faulty tires can cause car accidents that lead to serious or fatal injuries. A personal injury attorney with experience handling faulty or defective tire claims can answer specific questions about liability, negligence and compensation after an accident.
Faulty Tire Accidents Can Result In Serious Injuries
Faulty tires can lead to blowouts and rollover accidents, particularly when a car is traveling at highway speeds. Rollover crashes can lead to serious or fatal injuries, including spinal fracture, brain trauma and amputation. The risks are especially high in cases where a victim is ejected from the vehicle.
Faulty Tire Accidents Often Can Be Attributed to Manufacturer Error and Poor Design
Faulty tire accidents often are caused by tire defects such as:
- tread separation;
- uneven wear;
- premature wear; and
- leaks or low tire pressure.
Many of these defects are the result of poor design or a manufacturer’s negligence, such as using old materials to make tires or failing to recall a dangerous product.
Grounds for a Product Liability Claim
Victims of auto accidents caused by faulty tires may have several options for financial recovery. A personal injury claim or lawsuit against the applicable insurance companies may help defray some of the costs associated with an accident and recovery. A product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer, meanwhile, may be possible as well. Such cases are warranted when an attorney can prove a direct connection between a defective product (in this case, a tire) and a serious accident and injuries.
Medical Expenses and Other Loses May Be Recovered
A successful product liability claim may result in compensatory damages that include:
- medical expenses (including hospital and doctor bills, surgical costs, physical therapy, prescription drugs, assistive devices and all other necessary medical costs);
- lost wages (a claim may address past lost wages and future loss of income);
- pain and suffering (available to address the impact on a victim’s daily life); and
- wrongful death compensation (available to qualified family members in the event of a fatal accident).
A personal injury attorney can offer an estimated value of a claim based on the facts and evidence of the case.
Evidence is Crucial In a Faulty Tire Case
For a free legal consultation, call (614) 538-1116
There is a heavy burden of proof in a product liability claim. A successful case must have sufficient evidence to prove a faulty tire was the cause of the accident and injuries. A manufacturer may be strictly liable for injuries caused by defects in its product. All accident evidence, and particularly the damaged tires, should be carefully secured after a serious auto accident. An attorney can work with qualified experts to determine if the tires played a key role in the accident and who is liable for the crash. Other evidence includes police reports, photos of the crash scene and manufacturer records.
Do you suspect a faulty tire is to blame for your recent car accident in the greater Columbus area? Call injury attorney David Bressman to schedule a FREE, no-obligation case evaluation (614) 538-1116 or complete our confidential contact form.
Call or text (614) 538-1116 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form