When you are in a car accident, your back can suffer severe trauma. It can be difficult to know what to do if you suffer back pain after a car accident. Injuries to your back are not only painful, but they can be challenging to diagnose. Back injuries can also quickly become debilitating. The first thing you want to do is to make sure you seek medical attention for your injuries. You may also want to pursue a personal injury lawyer to determine what compensation could be available to you.
How Long You Have to File a Claim
You might notice back pain immediately after a car accident, but it can also take some time for symptoms to appear or for you to realize it was caused by the accident. Back injuries can be complicated, and the pain might not come right after the injury occurs. Just because the car accident happened some time ago does not mean you are out of luck.
According to the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) §2305.10, you generally have two years after the date of the car accident to file a lawsuit. Call a law firm as soon as you begin experiencing back pain after a car accident so they can review your claim. A legal team can help you determine what options you might have.
For a free legal consultation, call (614) 538-1116
Possible Causes for Back Pain After a Car Accident
Back injuries are difficult enough without having to worry about paying your medical bills. Testing can be time-consuming to determine the type of treatment you need to recover. After a traumatic accident, there are many potential causes for your back pain.
Whiplash is an injury commonly caused by car accidents, according to the Mayo Clinic. Whiplash is a strain or sprain in your neck or back. It can range from mild to severe. In some cases, people can suffer back pain for the rest of their lives due to whiplash.
Muscle or Ligament Strain
A sudden and unexpected movement can jolt your muscles and ligaments in your back. This causes them to strain and can cause pain.
Herniated Discs
A herniated disc occurs when your disc has “spilled out of its lining,” according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Sudden trauma is a common cause of a herniated disc. When your body moves quickly in an unexpected way, the discs in your back can shift.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is when there is narrowing in the bone channel, according to the Mayo Clinic. This can be caused by trauma, such as a car accident. When your spine is jolted suddenly, it can narrow the space between your spine. Spinal stenosis can be felt right after an accident, but it might not be felt until some time after the injury occurred. The narrowing of the space in the spine can cause severe nerve pain.
These are just a few possible causes of back pain. However, it would be best if you spoke with your doctor as soon as possible to receive a diagnosis and see what treatment options are best for you.
Compensation that Could Be Available to You
Costs can add up quickly when you are in a car accident. Medical expenses alone can be overwhelming. However, medical expenses most likely are not the only financial stress caused by the car accident. A lawyer will help fight for you to get compensation for:
- Medical expenses
- Loss of wages
- Decrease in wages
- Pain and suffering
- Future medical costs you may encounter
This financial stress should not be your burden to bear. Let a lawyer help you and evaluate your claim at no cost to you.
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How We Can Help
Bressman Law is here to help you through the steps to obtain the compensation you deserve. Call today for a free consultation. We will review your claim at no cost to you. We only get paid if you do. You owe us nothing until you get paid yourself.
We can evaluate your medical documentation to determine the amount of compensation you deserve based on the type of injury you suffered and any treatment you may need. We understand how different each injury is and how complicated back injuries are. Our team can help you determine what to do if you suffer back pain after a car accident. Contact us today for help at (614) 538-1116.
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